Privacy Policy


Last updated March, 2024


About Us 


This policy applies where we, Double Your Sustainability, are acting as a data controller with respect to the personal data of our website visitors and service users; in other words, where we determine the purposes and means of the processing of the personal data.


Personal Data


Double Your Sustainability collects a variety of information about you when you visit our website, make purchases, or interact with us on social media. By accepting this Privacy Policy, you explicitly consent to our collection of the data described below, to our use of the data, to the processing of this data, and to share the data with third-party processors as needed for our legitimate business interests. The information we collect may include:


Personal Data: Personal Data can be used to identify you specifically, including your name, shipping address, email address, telephone number or demographic information like your age, gender, or hometown. You consent to give us this information by providing it to us voluntarily on our website or any mobile application. You provide some of this information when you register with or purchase from our website. You may also provide this information by participating in various activities associated with our site, including responding to blogs and the membership site, contacting us with questions, or participating in consulting, (group) training or coaching assignments. Your decision to disclose this data is entirely voluntary. You are not obligated to provide this information, but your refusal may prevent you from accessing certain benefits through our website or making purchases.


Derivative Data: Derivative data is information that our servers automatically collect about you when you access our website, such as your IP address, browser type, the dates and times you access our website and the specific pages you view. If you use a mobile application, our servers may collect information about your device name and type, phone number, country of origin, and other interactions with our application.


Financial Data: Financial data is related to your payment method, such as credit card or bank transfer details. We collect financial data to enable you to purchase, order, return or exchange products or services from our website and any related mobile apps. We store limited financial data. Most financial data is transferred to our payment processor, Stripe, and you can review this processor's Privacy Policy to determine how they use, disclose and protect your financial data.


We Process the Following Personal Data

We may process the following personal data about you:

  1. Trade Name (sole proprietorships and partnerships)
  2. First and Last Name
  3. Business Address and Mailing Address (sole proprietorships and partnerships)
  4. Chamber of Commerce Number (sole proprietorships and partnerships)
  5. Email Address
  6. Phone Number (landline and mobile)
  7. Skype Name (if applicable)
  8. Social Media Account Names
  9. Customer Number, Order Number, Quotation Number, and Invoice Number (sole proprietorships and partnerships)
  10. Portraits (if applicable)


How Do We Obtain Your Personal Data?

We have obtained the above personal data from you directly or from public registers, such as the Chamber of Commerce trade register or other publicly available sources (social media).




Reasons for Processing Personal Data

We process your personal data only when permitted by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Dutch General Data Protection Regulation (UAVG), and for the purposes described below:

  1. Create and administer your account
  2. Deliver any products or services purchased by you to you
  3. Correspond with you
  4. Process payments or refunds
  5. Contact you about new offerings that we think you will be interested in
  6. Interact with you via social media
  7. Send you a newsletter or other updates about our company or website
  8. Deliver targeted advertising
  9. Request feedback from you
  10. Notify you of updates to our product and service offerings
  11. Resolve disputes and troubleshoot any problems; and
  12. Administer contests or giveaways
  13. Generate a profile that is personalised to you so that future interactions with our website will be more personal
  14. Compile anonymous statistical data for our use or a third party's use
  15. Assist law enforcement as necessary
  16. Prevent fraudulent activity on our website or mobile app
  17. Analyse trends to improve our website and offerings.


Comments & Testimonials

When you leave a comment on our website, under a blog post or a testimonial, we process your name and potentially your profile picture (if you share it with us). In principle, we keep these comments indefinitely unless we remove the blog post or product from the website or if you request its removal.


We have a legitimate interest in keeping these comments, especially when we or a third party have responded to your comment.



We receive your data if you contact us via phone, email, our contact form, WhatsApp, or social media. We process this data to respond to your message.


If you contacted us via social media, it would usually have been through the founder's personal account. This would fall under private or domestic use. In all other cases, we retain the data for a maximum of 5 years to track the timing and nature of our last contact, the subject matter, and your response at that time. It is in our legitimate interest to have this information to assist you better and set priorities.



We want to send you a newsletter because you are a customer or have subscribed. Therefore, we process your name and email address to send information and news. Every newsletter we send has an unsubscribe button. We retain your data for this purpose until you unsubscribe.



If you request an offer from us, we process your business and personal data to send you a tailored offer. We retain offers for eight years as part of our legal obligation to demonstrate what preceded an invoice. Furthermore, we retain offers to see if you requested an offer from us before and the content of that request.



Apart from sending offers and invoices, sometimes we need your data to fulfil the agreement and for documentation purposes. We process these data for the duration of the agreement and until the statutory limitation period has expired.



Sometimes, we may process data of individuals who have not contacted us directly but whose personal data may be included in documents shared by our clients as part of consulting, training or coaching assignments. We mainly process data required for communication and retain all communications related to the assignment.



If you have given us an assignment, we process the data necessary for its execution. This includes at least your name and email address and any additional data required to send a correct invoice. During payment, we may also see from which account the payment is made and who the account holder is. We retain quotations, invoices, and payment data for eight years.


Legitimate Interest

In some cases mentioned above, we have a legitimate interest in processing data. We balance our interest against the privacy interest of the person whose personal data we process based on this legal basis. We will only process data necessary to achieve our goal and protect our legitimate interests.




Recipients of Personal Data

We share your data with the following third parties, including our processors:

• Hosting of our website

• CRM system

• Accountant

• Mail servers

• Telephone services

• Payment services

• Delivery of services


Transfer to Third Countries

We strive to process personal data within the European Economic Area (EEA) as much as possible, but sometimes, we may need to use services outside the EEA. These companies are located in countries designated by the European Commission as having adequate data protection standards.


Your Rights


We want to inform you about your rights and the influence you can exert on processing your data.


If you want to exercise any of these rights, please get in touch with us via email at [email protected]


Access, Rectification, and Erasure

You have the right to know what personal data we process about you, and you can request rectification or erasure of this data.


Restriction of Processing

If your data is no longer accurate, the processing is unlawful, we no longer need your personal data, or while awaiting a decision on your objection to processing, you have the right to request us to restrict the processing of your personal data.


Right to Object

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. If you object to the use of personal data for direct marketing, we will no longer use your data for that purpose.


Transfer Your Data

You have the right to receive your personal data from us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, so you can transfer it to another party if the processing was based on consent and was carried out automatically.


Change Consent

If we obtained your data based on your consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time. Withdrawing consent does not affect the legality of the processing before the withdrawal.



Suppose you have complaints about how we handle your personal data. In that case, you have the right to submit your complaints to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).


Security of Personal Data


We have implemented appropriate organisational and technical measures to secure personal data against loss or other forms of unlawful processing. These measures provide a level of security that is appropriate to the data we process.




This website uses cookies to ensure optimal functionality. A cookie is a small file our website sends to your browser, storing it on your device. The information stored in the cookie can be sent back to our website when you revisit it.

We use both session cookies, which expire when you close your web browser, and persistent cookies, which remain stored on your device until they expire or you delete them. Some of the cookies used on our website are third-party cookies, which are set by a website other than our own.

We may use the information we obtain from your use of our cookies to recognise your computer when you visit the website, track track you as you navigate the website, analyse your use of the website, facilitate the administration of the website, and personalise your experience.


Social Media

We aim to make it as easy as possible for you to share the content of our website on social media. We facilitate this through various social media buttons. Please refer to the respective privacy statements of the social media channels to understand how they handle privacy.

• LinkedIn

• Twitter


Disabling and Deleting Cookies

You can block cookies by using the settings in your browser. This allows you to refuse the acceptance of cookies. Blocking all cookies will, however, have a negative impact on the usability of many websites, including this one. If you block cookies, you may not be able to use certain features on the website. You can also delete cookies already stored on your computer or device. Deleting cookies may have a negative impact on the usability of many websites. Consult your browser's help function to learn more.



You may find links to external websites on our website. Clicking on a link will take you to a website outside this one. These external websites may use cookies. We refer you to the cookie or privacy statement of the respective website for more information.




Should our practices change, or for other legitimate reasons, we reserve the right to amend our privacy policy. We will always publish the new privacy policy on our website. If the changes directly affect you, we will communicate directly with you.